Intel Sitsang Resources

The links below are a collection of various documentation I have written on the Intel Sitsang development board.

Intel Sitsang Overview
Getting started using the Intel Sitsang for research. Discusses compiling and installing kernels and kernel modules.

Dynamic Voltage Scaling on the Intel Sitsang
Hardware and software modifications necessary for using Dynamic Voltage Scaling.

Power Monitoring on the Intel Sitsang
By changing the use of one pin on the touchscreen controller, the Intel Sitsang boards may be modified to monitor their own power consumption from the OS.

My Patch File
A patch file for the -sitsang2 kernel which includes the DWCS real-time scheduler, frequency scaling with cache feedback loop, dynamic voltage scaling, and more.

DWCS Test Programs
Two test programs, dwcs_execute and cache_test for testing the DWCS real-time scheduler and cache feedback loop.

ZMODEM for the Intel Sitsang
Precompiled lrzsz package for the Intel XScale, providing support for the standard rz and sz commands. Extremely useful for transmitting small files over the serial port.

Last Modified: 2/25/05 by lcs@cc
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